How does it work ?
An immediate and constant temperature
Unlike the classic tap which had only one handle, the thermostatic mixer tap has two separate controls. One is used to select the flow and the other controls the temperature.
The temperature is reached almost instantaneously, with an accuracy of one degree, and it remains stable despite changes in the water supply pressure or temperature during usage.

For more comfort and safety
The thermostatic mixer tap works because of a part which is found inside the temperature control system, the thermostatic cartridge. Smart and independent, the cartridge corrects the quantity of hot and cold water on its own. The result is that the water temperature which flows from your shower head is perfectly stable.
You no longer have to adjust the handles while showering saving water!


Your skin is the most sensitive thermometer in the world so regulate the temperature with an accuracy of one degree.

Water is a precious resource so save it by obtaining the desired temperature in less than one second

3. design
Thermostatic mixers are asethetic and practical.

Bath tub, shower, sink or bidet only a thermostatic mixer allows you to accurately control the water temperature in your bathroom.
What are its advantages, how to select one, where to buy and at what price? Obtain our expert recommendations in order to optimise your comfort and security.


In the kitchen, the sink’s thermostatic mixer allows you to accurately control the water temperature whatever your purpose, washing the dishes, rinsing fruits and vegetables, washing your hands or cleaning.
What are its advantages, how to select one, where to buy and at what price ? Obtain our expert recommendations in order to improve your comfort and security.


Aurélien O.
Thermostat radiator userSavings and comfort
All my radiators are equipped with thermostat controllers. They are simple to use, the temperature is very precise. In winter, it’s amazing!

Élodie M.
Thermostat shower userBeware of cheap products!
Thermostatics are great but if you don’t choose a cheap product. Proof, my 30€ mixer lasted only 6 months. I bought one which was a little more expensive and now, everything is fine.

Eric D.
Owner of two showersA real difference!
Compared to my mixer in which the temperature doesn’t stop varying, I am happy with my thermostatic tap. The temperature is always the same, it’s really pleasant not to have to regulate the temperature all the time.

Lynn A.
Tenant, FranceGreat for heating
Nothing to do with the old electric convector at my parents home. With my thermostatic radiator heads, I always have the right temperature in my home.

Sébastien B.
Heating Engineer, ParisProof !
I systematically install thermostatic radiators for the comfort of my clients and to help them save energy.

Sindy G.
Mom has two childrenThe safety of my children
I can allow my children to take a shower in safety. I know that with our thermostatic mixer, they cannot burn themselves.

Sophie B.
Tenant, Île-de-FranceThe pleasure of taking a shower
With my new thermostat mixer, taking a shower is now a pure moment of joy. The water is always at the right temperature.